Saturday, May 1, 2010

Photo session for Mother's Day

The adorable and loving Landry family decided to take advantage of this beautiful spring weather and invited me over last weekend to photograph the two youngest grand kids for Mother's Day! Not all of the Landry clan was in attendance, however {brother, Brandon lives in Colorado} and {grandma, was out of town working}. But here is a great photo of everyone over at Amy and Patrick's beautiful home in the mountains in Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Here are a couple of the most adorable cousins, Zach and Chloe.
 Then, Zach wanted to play on his own and sweet little Chloe was the model for awhile.

Heading into the apple orchards to capture some great early evening sun.
We had to get a great photo of my dear friend, Sara {otherwise known to Chloe as Auntie YaYa}.

And here is Pop Pop posing for a shot and then running in the apple orchard with his sweet grand kids.

And here is the most adorable and photogenic family {Amy, Patrick and Chloe}...


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