Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baby Boone Session

The beautiful Keefauver-Bowman family!

Adorable Baby Boone!

Mom and her precious son!

This one {above} cracks me up! 
This poor kitty was just innocently trying to be a part of the portrait. 

Don't we wish our feet would stay this small?! Cannot get any cuter than this!

Baby Boone {9 months}

One of my greatest joys in the world is spending time with my gal pals. Another is to see my strong gal pals and their babies. I've known Beth for about 4 years now {we perform and write sketch comedy together in a troupe of 9 like-minded woman in Asheville} and to get the opportunity to photograph her and her sweet baby boy Boone and her charming husband Keith, is truly an honor! Since Boone was born, we've been trying to get together to photograph the family, but such as life and hectic schedules...we finally made the time to do it.
I actually LOVE this age to photograph babies. Especially Boone {isn't that the coolest name?!}. He was so present and calm during the 2 hours I photographed the family, not to mention being such a trooper when we were outside among  the mosquito's galore. 

The photo below: 
Beth wanted to photograph Boone in her grandfathers baptism gown, as well as, the quilt her grandmother made. I absolutely love sentimental photographs, especially those where memories are forever stored for generations to come.

Thank you Beth, Keith and Boone for allowing me the privilege to come into your  beautiful home and capture a snippet of your lives. I look forward to capturing his first birthday celebration in July!

Our new puppy, Lucy!

Here is our sweet puppy, Lucy! We just adopted her from a local animal rescue center called Brother Wolfe here in Asheville. One evening while my husband and I were watching T.V., a commercial came on about the new 'pet finder' app for our iPhone. See, I've have been begging for months to adopt a puppy, so this app was the perfect timing for us to "browse!" Well to my surprise, my hubby downloaded the free app, and within 15 minutes, we came across a litter of these sweet puppies. The next day, I pleaded with David to go down to the shelter to meet her, and without hesitation he said yes! The moment we laid eyes on her, we knew she was going to be a part of our family. She actually choose us, to be honest. Lucy was the first puppy to come to me when I entered her cage with her 3 others sisters. We held her in our arms and instantly fell in love.

She is 12 weeks old and is a mixture of part Retriver and part Spaniel. Lucy's personality is really beginning to come out the more time she is feeling safe with us. {She's actually sleeping beside me, dreaming of chasing birds or something because her legs are moving and I can hear her sort of barking!} Everyone that meets her, says she is the sweetest and most calm dog they have ever met. Lucy really is gentle with kids and so friendly to everybody. We just adore her. {she knows I'm writing about her...she just woke up and came over to meet and put her paw on my leg!}. Maybe it's because she wants to go outside now....gotta run.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hunt Family Session

The beautiful Hunt Family {Shannon, Kenny, Garrison and Camille} asked me to their home in North Asheville this past weekend on a warm and sunny spring morning. What a wonderfully adorable and kind family. 
The moment I walked into their home, I was greeted with such warm a welcome and high spirits. They were ready me by 9am sharp. I love that enthusiasm! We quickly went outside and frolicked in the blue flowers. Garrison and Camille were  pros! They had fun telling me about the flowers and were not shy for the camera at all! In fact, they took direction very well. Hugging each other, smiling on cue, basically having a great time allowing me to photograph the whole time. After that the family went for a walk, played in the yard and even spent some time on their play ground in the back yard. 
Everyone had a great time. There were no melt downs {except for me...I was literally melting from how humid it was and I dressed for 30 below weather. Not smart- note to self!} and anyone was up for suggestions.
Thank you Hunt family for your gracious hospitality and fantastic smiles!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Photo session for Mother's Day

The adorable and loving Landry family decided to take advantage of this beautiful spring weather and invited me over last weekend to photograph the two youngest grand kids for Mother's Day! Not all of the Landry clan was in attendance, however {brother, Brandon lives in Colorado} and {grandma, was out of town working}. But here is a great photo of everyone over at Amy and Patrick's beautiful home in the mountains in Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Here are a couple of the most adorable cousins, Zach and Chloe.
 Then, Zach wanted to play on his own and sweet little Chloe was the model for awhile.

Heading into the apple orchards to capture some great early evening sun.
We had to get a great photo of my dear friend, Sara {otherwise known to Chloe as Auntie YaYa}.

And here is Pop Pop posing for a shot and then running in the apple orchard with his sweet grand kids.

And here is the most adorable and photogenic family {Amy, Patrick and Chloe}...