Saturday, May 26, 2012

Beautiful shot of a sunrise as a passenger on a plane!

{Photo taken from my iPhone}

Good Morning! I took the red-eye {*yawn*} from LAX to Detroit and opened my eyes from one of many cat naps, opened the shade, proceeded to look out the window and saw this breath taking view of a sunrise off one of the Great Lakes. I just had to share this with you......

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Theatrical Headshots for local actor in Hollywood by Karri Brantley Photography!

I have the pleasure of knowing this very sweet person and am honored to call her one of my dearest friends. Our story of knowing each other isn't very long, but I consider her one of the most influential and supportive people in my life. It's very strange how we've connected, well I suppose the Universe doesn't think so, as it was all in perfect timing......

Back when I was visiting LA in October, a special friend from where I was living in Asheville suggested that I meet her friend Pam. She said we had a lot in common regarding the film and television field and thought we'd really hit it off. Well, we tried on several occasions to meet up, but for what ever reason, we weren't able to. So when I moved to CA, after the first of the year, I was wanting to hire a personal trainer to get my ass in shape. I randomly was on FB & noticed Pam's status about a personal training accomplishment she achieved and was shocked because I had no idea she did that. I contacted her, hoping she would remember me and within a matter of hours, I was at her gym and signed up to develop a plan of working out with her. Since then, we've developed a great friendship. As you can see, Pam's infectious smile and warm spirit has influenced me in so many ways. She's helping reshape my body, along with my spiritual connection to the universe. I've found strength within myself I NEVER knew I had.

Among many talents, Pam is also an accomplished actress in LA and hired me to update her, as she calls them, 'Mom commercial shots.' Apparently her agent and manager are thrilled at what we captured!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Good ole blue eyes headshot session in Los Angeles with Karri Brantley Photography!

This is Alex. He is studying at a local University for film and television. He is also taking improv classes at Second City Hollywood. He wanted headshots, for the first time in his life and asked me to do it. Look at them blue eyes {no enhancement there on my end!} and dimples will ya ladies?!?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Karri Brantley Photography captures this wonderful LA actor headshots!

Here are the many talented faces of Los Angeles based actor, Gina. You can read her blog entitled Striving Actors.

She is a wonderful friend who has lived in LA for over 10 years! Gina has gained much success on national T.V. commercials and hit shows such as 'Thank God You're Here', Independent Films such as 'The Co-Op" and local professional theatre, most recently noted for Player Kings production of 'Coronado' by the famous writer Dennis Lehane {who wrote "Shutter Island"}!

She was in need of some updated actor headshots for commercial & theatrical shots! I was thrilled to get the call & jumped at the opportunity to capture these for her. She mentioned that she liked the way I seemed to have captured the heart and soul of my clients headshots and found that she wanted to showcase that in her updated shots for her agent and personal website! WOW. I was thrilled and we had a wonderful shoot one sunny afternoon outdoors in the Los Angeles area!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Karri Brantley Photography's recent Family Photo shoot in Culver City, CA

I cherished this photo shoot and am honored to write about it. I have known this couple since my college days at Wayne State University. My dear friend, Mary was my roommate in college and we lived in Detroit while both studying acting {she was also a dancer}. Her now hubby, Fred, was also a fellow acting student in the masters program. After graduation in 2001, they got married & moved to LA to pursue their acting careers. Since my move to LA, we've recently re-connected and I have had the pleasure of getting to know their 3-year-old daughter. She is SO adorable and has captured my heart from the moment I met her.

Mary & Fred both wanted family photos done since I moved here and we finally scheduled a time for all of us to go to a park one Sunday afternoon and have some fun. Below are a couple of shots of the little one where I brought some props and took her by the hand to have a little private shoot all by ourselves. She was game. But I had no idea what I was getting into. While she was delightful and funny, this little one has a mind of her own. While I talked with her from behind the camera directing her to pose or tell me a story, I was able to capture her sweet nature and adorable personality! It also helped that I knew some fun facts of some Disney movies that she is a big fan of. HAHAHA!

Below are those specific moments I am honored to photograph and it shows the amazing love this family has for each other!

A GREAT shot of the two of them!

Below are some fun family photos. Perfect to print and display in their home! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Recent Headshot session with LA based actor.

This shoot was really fun for me. I LOVED the lighting and James was not my 'typical' client. What ever that means.

He looks like someone you wouldn't want to mess with ordinarily by just looking at him and while I captured this 'bad ass' side of him, I have to say that he is one of the sweetest and approachable people on the planet.

James is a LA based actor, who has gained a lot of national commercials over the years, as well as wearing the hat of Director and Comedy Writer in the greater Los Angeles area.

I swear, even though these shots below are of his most serious faces, we did have a lot of fun and he was completely relaxed and open to my suggestions. I'm a HUGE fan of tattoo's and felt like it would be best to capture them in his shots. His agent wanted this type of look. I think he choose the 2nd one below for his theatrical head shot. And no, he isn't a part of the U.S. Olympic Team. But quite the conversational piece, I'm sure.