Friday, December 31, 2010

Yearly Grand Kids Photo Shoot for the Atteberry Family!

Here's the me in a room photographing six grand kids under the age of eight with their mom's and grandma in the same room and you have yourself an explosion of various emotions, as well as, all sorts of different directions. The answer..... the beginning of the shoot you are offered a mimosa. 

You may be wondering, well duh?! As a constant teachable photographer, I am forever learning the do's and do not's of photographing young ones. Each shoot is different. I have heard from the best of photographers, there is no master plan. Only a master idea. Cool. Right?! Well, my master idea and what I was hired to photograph, was six grand kids in a lifestyle session, and my main goal was to have FUN! I definitely had fun as did every one else, but I learned that perhaps trying to photograph six young ones, with a total of four adults in the room, may not be the best for 'the shot!' We all laughed, believe me, but we all had the same interest of wanting what was best for the photo. Looking back now, I would have only had me in the room, so the kids could focus on just my direction. Although, I am not sure that would have happened either. Its funny because I have known this family since I was 13, so to me I was among family so of course we would all be in the room together. 

I'm merely mentioning this because one of my intentions for this blog is to share in my experiences and strengths I've learned as a photographer. Well, this experience allowed me to learn a new strength while having fun {not to mention the 'must have mimosa' for the photographer!}.

We started with a little bit of brotherly love, followed below, with sweet Avery showing me her favorite toy.

This shot below cracks me up. Every single personality at its best! 

Here's another photo below where 'directions' were coming from all directions. 

Got a great shot, below, of a very sweet moment with Cindy and her son, Brett.

Here's Keri {yup that was confusing in the room too!}, wonderful mom to the four boys around her and amazing aunt to Avery and Brett next to them. 

Gotta get Grandma DiDi in this shoot too.....

Marshmellow time......

Seriously, we all suited up and went outside to play in the snow. I. Was. Covered. From. Head. To. Toe. And LOVED every minute of it!!!