I woke up at the crack of dawn yesterday morning to my sweet dog, Lucy, hopping her paws on my side of the bed, wanting me to take her out for her morning 'ritual.' When I opened the front door, I too, was amazed at the sight I encountered. Six inches of snow! Lucy hadn't experienced snow before and she wasn't too sure how to proceed. With a lot of encouragement {mainly cuz I was freezing my hinny off!}, she reluctantly walked down the first of six stairs on the front porch. Sniffing and looking back at me, making sure she was o.k, I continued to say "It's o.k. Lucy, go potty." Within a split second, her instincts set in and she was literally hopping off the stairs, eating the snow, while taking a giant leap onto the grass with bunny-like capabilities! Amazing. So, in a matter of approx. 4 minutes, I went from sleeping, to zombie like movements, to freezing my ass off to laughing OUT LOUD at my dog. And by this point I had the front door wide open, not even caring what the neighbors saw or how freakin' cold it truly was. This is the wonderfully immense joy I received yesterday morning.
I knew then, I had to grab my new point and shoot camera {Canon Power Shot S95} and my iPhone to document Lucy's first snow. Here are two photos from my point and shoot:
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