Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Headshot session with mother, daughter team!

These two fabulous mother daughter team, Cary and Ashleigh, asked me to photograph their new head shots for an upcoming audition opportunity  for the United Professional Theatre Auditions in Memphis, Tennessee {break a leg ladies!}. The three of us headed downtown Asheville and had ourselves a total blast. We giggled and laughed and all felt like rock stars. And I wasn't even the one being photographed. 

Most times, as a photographer, behind the camera you are concentrating on details and technical things, but with these ladies, everything seemed to have come naturally and our sense of humors really made for an awesome Sunday afternoon! In fact, I have a knack for paying attention to details and I found myself not being the only one. With each others help, we made sure to keep an eye out for 'fly away hairs' or 'lipstick on the teeth.' Thank you ladies for allowing me the opportunity to photograph your head shots and all the referrals that have been coming my way!!!

This photo of Ashleigh is the winner!!!

Look at those beautiful blue eyes! WOW!
Told ya we had fun!!!
The gorgeous eyes in this family! WOW!
This one is the winner for Cary!

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