Saturday, November 12, 2011

Karri Brantley Photography does a Family Photo Shoot for the Puckett Family in Asheville, NC!

This Puckett family is very near and dear to my heart. I've known them for almost 6+ years. When Betsy hired me to capture their family's photos, I was beyond thrilled, but knew I had to do it before moving to Los Angeles in a couple of weeks!

She and I have worked together on stage for many years so it was fitting to work together to capture the essence of their family dynamic. So one afternoon, on a sunny fall afternoon, I headed over to their house to document some fun shots of their family!

Here's a shot of Betsy with her dog, and mighty champ, Winnie-

The boys playing in their room- 

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree {take after their very handy and creative dad} and they couldn't be more adorable!!!

Here's some fabulous shots of the family-

What an amazingly awesome and fun dynamic these two have! I've truly captured their essence-

Here's another fun shot of the two of them while the boys played in the yard- 

The boys with their mom-

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