Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving packing weekend in Asheville with Mom & Dad!

Here's a shot of my parents over Thanksgiving weekend in my house in Asheville....helping me pack for my BIG move to the left side....CALIFORNIA!!!

So grateful to have their support and their extra hands to help me move 800 pounds of crap in a 2 pound bag. HAHAHA!

Seriously though, over the course of my days here on this planet, I've moved a lot and they've always been there to help me! Thanks mom and dad! Wish I could fit you in that box you got their dad so I can bring you with me!!! Love you both very much......

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bon Voyage dinner with some of my dearest girlfriends!

Here are some of the most talented and dearest friends from our all female sketch comedy troupe LYLAS {stands for Love Ya Like A Sis}! These funny ladies took me out to my favorite restaurant in downtown Asheville, called Posana Cafe {all gluten free dishes!}, for a fond farewell before my move to Los Angeles!!! And might I add, afterwards we partook in an unforgettable evening of Karaoke {those photos I'll keep to myself for the moment!} at Fred's Speakeasy nearby. I am gonna miss the ever living crap outta each and everyone of you {that goes for those not pictured, who weren't able to make it}!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Karri Brantley Photography does a Family Photo Shoot for the Puckett Family in Asheville, NC!

This Puckett family is very near and dear to my heart. I've known them for almost 6+ years. When Betsy hired me to capture their family's photos, I was beyond thrilled, but knew I had to do it before moving to Los Angeles in a couple of weeks!

She and I have worked together on stage for many years so it was fitting to work together to capture the essence of their family dynamic. So one afternoon, on a sunny fall afternoon, I headed over to their house to document some fun shots of their family!

Here's a shot of Betsy with her dog, and mighty champ, Winnie-

The boys playing in their room- 

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree {take after their very handy and creative dad} and they couldn't be more adorable!!!

Here's some fabulous shots of the family-

What an amazingly awesome and fun dynamic these two have! I've truly captured their essence-

Here's another fun shot of the two of them while the boys played in the yard- 

The boys with their mom-

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Photos For the Family in Western North Carolina!

You may recognize this precious and adorable family, who has had a family photo shoot that I photographed a little over a year ago when their little one was just a wee little tike! I've known this Asheville couple around the arts scene and this man, Keith, happens to be by logo designer! His company Fire Fly Design Studio is ah-mazing!!! Beth just received her doctorate in woman's studies and teaches at a near by college. We've done some sketch comedy writing together and she is hilarious!

Before the fall colors went away, they hired me to photography and update their family photos. Don't you just LOVE what they are wearing?!? Tan & red with jeans. I mean, too freakin' precious!!! And their son is so sweet and loved the camera.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"I wanna be an actor" headshot session in Asheville!

This very sweet and adorable young man, is Andrew. Back in the day, I was a high school drama teacher and have from time to time done some private acting coaching since then. This is one of my students, who has a dream of becoming the next Karate Kid! He's amazing in the martial arts field and as a 15-year old, knows that he would LOVE to act on screen displaying his incredible talent. I took these headshots in downtown Asheville and was told that I made him feel like a ROCKSTAR!!!! Love it. He's already got an agent and is taking more acting classes while auditioning and performing in local theatre's.

Here's what we got.....