Thursday, August 4, 2011

NEW BUSINESS CARDS bring tale of honest people on this planet!

Here is a sample of one side of my newer business cards. This experience of gaining my new business cards comes with a very funny, yet, sweet story of how honest human's really are!

I designed and ordered my business cards through a very reputable company called MOO. They are based out of Europe and have all sorts of wonderful products to showcase personal business'. I have used them countless times before and when I decided to design my latest photography business cards, I looked no further than to MOO. I went through the entire process of designing my 'perfect business card', which took longer than I wanted, as I carefully choose which photos to showcase on the back of my business cards. I finalized my purchase and anxiously awaited their arrival.

Well, about one week later, I get my beautiful cards in the mail, opened them and saw on the right hand side of the package, there were about 50 perfectly awesome NEW business cards....not paying particular attention to the rest of the order. I quickly placed them in my purse and have been distributing them like candy around town to friends and potential clients. A couple of days later, I get a very sweet email from another photographer all the way in New Jersey, named Andi from Sona Bella Photography. Apparently, she ordered from MOO as well, but received my business cards instead of her own. She wanted to let me know in case I wanted them and she was happy to mail them to me as soon as possible. HOW COOL IS THAT?!? She could have easily thrown them away, but in a sweet gesture she took the time to contact me, as she knew I could use the extra 200 cards. I quickly paypal'd her the funds for shipping and received my extra cards in just a few days. Plus, we exchanged several emails over the course of our connection, and now have a new photography friend in New Jersey. We're even, Facebook Friends! HA!!!! Fantastic how the universe works. Thank you Andi!

So, this story is not yet over. Here's the cap. A couple of days ago, I needed to replenish my business card stash and proceeded to open the left hand side of my original package from MOO, to find.....{*GASP*} Sona Bella Photography's business cards! HI-LAR-IOUS!!!! I quickly jumped on my email and composed a message to Andi letting her know that I have HER business cards now too! So, I of course, returned the favor and sent them to her the next day. Funny how the circle of our connection was brought together by a simple mistake, which later turned out to be a funny blog entry for my random Wednesday afternoon.


  1. I received another woman's fringe in the mail while waiting for my own to add to a 'certain someone's' costume. It was such a unique and vibrant color I just knew it was meant for something special. I didn't have her address, so I contacted the company (a Mom and Pop in TN) and they thanked me profusely for sending it back. I have a feeling your NJ photog buddy felt as good sending them as you did receiving them. Your business cards are GORGEOUS by the way.

  2. Thank you so much Little Debbie Smackcake for your very thoughtful and sweet message! Wonderful to hear your story too.
