Saturday, July 2, 2011

A man and his Elvis guitar!

Here is a story to blow your TOP off! Sit down relax and read about this true story of a man and his Elvis guitar.......

This is Mike {below}. And his official and totally legit Elvis guitar. He's had this guitar since 1975 when Elvis Presley personally gave it to him. Yes, you read that right. Mr. Elvis Presley! OMG! Here's the story as to how he got this guitar, as I understand from Mike himself.

Mike got front row tickets to Elvis' concert in Asheville with his then girlfriend, Debbie {his wife now}. During the concert he noticed Elvis looking at him a couple of times, but thought nothing of it. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, towards the end of the concert, Elvis leaned towards Mike, took off his guitar, handed it to Mike and said 'here keep this, you're going to need this someday!" Um *gulp* and *gasp* from Mike's bright eyes and speechless face. So, needless to say, he sat the rest of the concert holding onto the guitar, with feet wrapped around it {there's an example below}. To this day, this is the only guitar that Elvis ever gave a patron in the audience and it is the only guitar that doesn't complete the entire collection at Graceland in Memphis. 

As it turns out, Mike is actually an Elvis impersonator occasionally for parties and special events around the states! Ironic, don't you think?!?

So, for Father's Day, Mike's kids bought him a photo session with little ole me to photograph him and his Elvis guitar all these years later. What a HUGE honor. I mean, this is a hunka, a hunka, burnin' guitar y'all!!!!


  1. This was one of the most photographed and well known guitars in his performing career due mostly to the use of it on the January 1973 worldwide broadcast via satellite "Aloha from Hawaii".

  2. These are AMAZING photos!!! Are there any photos of the back and sides of the guitar?
    Thank you, thank you very much!
