Monday, June 27, 2011

Show the world your STAR QUALITY with a performing arts HEADSHOT!

What does it take to get a GREAT acting job?

Well, an incredible amount of talent and hard work, of course. And a whole lotta luck.

Oh-- and one more thing: A GREAT HEADSHOT!!!

A great headshot conveys who you are. When you send it out, it should work like your own private entourage - making the connections that get you in front of people who can help your career. A good headshot works for you, to get you work.

Karri Brantley Photography creates highly effective images that will communicate the amazing gifts that you have to offer. What's more, we get your approval every step of the way, so we can be sure you absolutely love the image we've created.

And we don't approach this as just another photograph. Because Karri has an an extensive background in the performing arts as a talented actor, producer, and director, she knows what professionals are looking for in a headshot and she uses that knowledge to get the best out of your photo session. She is skilled to help her clients relax and forget they are in front of a camera, it is in this space where truly beautiful and authentic images are created!

The bottom line is that an agent or director expects you to invest your time, your energy - even your soul - in an acting role. Wither it be for a local community theatre company, children's theatre, regional theatre, touring theatre, off-Broadway or the big leagues in NYC!!! Think about it: if your headshot gets you a meeting that leads to you getting an important role, wouldn't the investment be worth it?

Please contact us here for more information!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Karri Brantley Photography askes you to make a GIFT of the Present for the Future- Do a Lifestyle Family Photo Shoot!

When you look through your family's photo album, do you see photos that really capture how you family was at that time? Do you think your children-and your grandchildren- and great grandchildren- will get how close your family was, and what made it special?

Lifestyle Family Photos are a way to capture the present moment, so that years from now you {or future generations} will be able to see a special time as if they had been there!

There are two types of Lifestyle Family Photos:

1) Lifestyle Sessions: with weddings, family reunions, holidays- it's easy to record special events. BUT, what about the fun and joy of your family on a typical day at home? This is an opportunity to capture these important moments with a Lifestyle Session.

When they grow up, there's nothing a child or grandchild wants to know more than "What was I like as a baby?" or "What were Mom and Dad like when I was a kid?" or "What did my family love to do together?"

Don't you want these questions to have answers? Whatever happens in the future, your family will have them with a Lifestyle Session!

2) Group Family Photos: Of course, every generation wants to capture the family in one photo, with everyone looking their best. And every once in a while it's great to capture Mom, Dad, and kids at a stage in their lives. Get this formal session with Group Family Photos.

Is everyone home from college? Are you hosting a family reunion? Do you think time is slipping by for you to get that 4-generation photo? Get a group shot. We're experts at managing crowds, and we can advise you on settings and appeal, so that you get a photo of you and your present and future family will treasure for years!

To find out more about either of these options, please contact us here!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Girls On The Run 5K event in Biltmore Park

These very courageous and dedicated girls ran their first 5K at Biltmore Park last weekend and rocked it!!!!

I was hired to photograph the event and document every aspect of it, from the girls getting their 'game faces on' to group shots of the participating schools/ teams, to the coaches who inspired them, to the local stars from WLOS Channel 13 news and multiple local radio stations, to the sponsors and volunteers who support this amazing organization, to the beginning of the race all the way to the tearful end {whew, that is a mouth full!}.

Speaking of tears, I welled up quite a bit looking through my camera's view finder, as I saw, up close and personal the overwhelming emotions I felt from many of the girls who emulated so much pride and a grand sense of accomplishment! I was touched by the WNC local communities "it takes a village" type support and couldn't believe how amazing the turn out really was. I hear it continues to grow exponentially every year! Keep up the great work everyone.

Thank you to all who participated in this event and for allowing me to be able to document this very inspiring day!!!