Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Headshots for Actress, Heidi by Karri Brantley Photography

This very hilarious comedic actress and voice over talent has graced my life lately, as we've had the privilege of working together on a couple of voice over projects, so when she hired me to update her commercial headshot portfolio for her agent, I was super pumped! I knew we would have a complete blast together. We, seriously, laugh it up every time we are together {I mean just look at how freakin' adorable her face is....she is a crack-up!}, so I new we could collaborate & bring out the best in her personality.

She hadn't had any updated shots of her new hair-do, so I decided to come to her house in Beverly Hills off Mulholland Drive. Perfect lighting and gorgeous views.....WOW! Honestly, the moment I arrived, I was tempted just to kick back out on her back yard, drink some wine and laugh for hours. However, I knew that would happen eventually, as soon as we got some work done. My moto: work hard, play hard! So, I showed up ready to get these amazing new headshots done for her agent. We, of course, laughed our fools heads off during & after. I couldn't be more thrilled for the great updated shots we captured. The perfect color shirts to compliment and really make those eyes pop! LOVE IT!


Friday, September 7, 2012

Adventures in Yosemite for the weekend with friends!

Um, this place, amazing. Yosemite National Park. There are no words big enough or fancy enough or or emulating enough to describe how incredibly beautiful this place is. A group of us went to celebrate one of my friends birthday & we all decided to rent a really nice cabin at the base of the park. We had LOADS of fun cooking healthy scrumptious food, hiking to beautiful water falls, enjoying fun times playing pool and board games and cracking jokes in the jazzuzi. All sorts of just good times. You know I brought my camera, so enjoy the magnificent views....

Two thumbs up after hiking all day to this gorgeous water fall! 

Karri Brantley Photography captures Space Shuttle Endeavor in Los Angeles.

As most of the world knows, Space Shuttle Endeavor has retired and recently made its final journey across America to the Los Angeles Space & Air Museum, where it will be on display for the world to see. There was a lot of buzz going around the country as NASA was flying this space shuttle on top of an airplane flying from state to state. Especially here in LA, it was exciting to know that there was a chance to see it flying in the air. While making the journey on its last day from San Francisco, every media outlet gave its audience a play by play of the anticipated arrival here in LA. I happen to have been Tweeting when I noticed people around town documenting their 'best viewing' spots beginning at the crack of dawn around town. Bummer. Well, it was around 11:30 ish, so I know it was a bit too late to fight the massive crowds around the area to get a good view. Most were up by The Griffith Observatory, which I can see from my house, but I knew there was NO way to attempt to drive up at this late in the game. So, I quickly decided to grab my camera & 70-200 mm lens and perch outside in the comforts of my driveway.....just in case I was lucky enough to have the perfect view of the shuttle.

I was listening to the radio outside on my iPhone, Nikon camera in hand, ready to get a possible glance at the sight of this very rare vision. When all of a sudden, I heard a loud plane approaching {this is no real surprise, as Hollywood is always bustling with helicopters, sirens, and planes everywhere} somewhere, I couldn't place where it was coming from.....THEN OUT OF KNOW WHERE.... THIS FLASHED BEFORE MY EYES......

I couldn't believe I actually captured this. There are two fighter jets behind the shuttle. It was a sight to see and I actually teared up as I knew I was witnessing some incredible history & was honored to see it in my very own front yard. Not only did I get to see this shot, but the crew then circled around the area 2 additional times! I was shouting for joy and my shutter was going 900 miles a minute, hoping to get something. These images below are what I was able to capture in such a brief time. What an incredible opportunity. Everyone in the neighborhood came out of their houses to experience this and it was a great bonding moment for all of us! And when it was all done, we didn't have to fight traffic or crowds or what have you. Truly a wonderful blessing.