Sunday, January 16, 2011

Joel grew a beard! Check it out....

OMG, it has been many months since I've seen on of my dearest friends, Joel. Ironically, we live about 2.5 hours away in North Carolina, but when we are back home in Michigan over the holidays, we finally get together. Strange, huh?! Well, we actually go way, way back to our innocent high school days. Let's just say, a 'couple of years' or so ago.

Anyways, Joel has recently been shooting some online how-to videos for Lowe's {yup the all encompassing hardware store, click on the link and learn how to fix a toilet!} and needed some 'rugged' headshots. This is the first time he's grown a full beard, and I'm not going to mention how long it took him, 2 months, but thought it would be a great opportunity to document this rare form of his manly appearance. Here's a couple of shots I took one COLD wintry afternoon in Michigan.