Thursday, November 11, 2010

Recent Publicty Photos for Bright Star Touring Theatre

Very talented actress, Ashley, as 'Lady Kindness' with one of her adoring fans, Stella!

Jason as 'Merchant Mark' in The Lady Of Bullyburg.

Actor, Jason, as a little boy named, Jack, goes back in time with the help of a magical book to meet many colorful characters in US history. Here he is with Neil Armstrong!

Actress, Ashley, pondering thoughts of 'The Declaration of Independence' as Thomas Jefferson.

These recent photos are for Bright Star Touring Theatre for their performances of 'The Lady of Bullyburg' and 'Jack's Adventure in American History.'

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fall Family Session at the Asheville Arboretum!

I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHING THIS TIME OF YEAR! I'm sure you can agree that the colors in the mountains of Asheville are some of the most insane colors in the world.

So I was thrilled to have a family session scheduled mid-October with one of my repeated clients and dear friends, McKenzie and Peter. Peter's side of the family has had some wonderful additions to the family recently.....a new grandchild, Samantha, and a new daughter/sister-in-law, Kristin. What a great time to photograph the entire family, right?! Well, we all met at the North Carolina Arboretum in Asheville on a cool fall afternoon and had ourselves a blast {not to mention a ton of laughs- mostly at me making faces and laying in the middle of the road hoping nobody would run me over!}. 

I started photographing the newlywed's, Kristin and Will, first:

Then it was time to get the parents involved:

And here is Peter and McKenzie with their sweet daughter Samantha {oh and their dogs, Winston and Sadie}:

More fun as a whole family: