Monday, June 21, 2010

Fabulous headshots with Bradshaw

Another fabulous star captured on my lens! What a thrill to photograph this very talented actor, Bradshaw Call. He is always working from one play to the next and is in such high demand. I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to photograph this very humble and talented man! We had ourselves a great time. He was open to trying anything and we got a little goofy from time to time. I came equipped with fresh lemonade, refreshments and a fancy mirror! Oh and of course, a moist towelette {just in case you need a freshin' up in the hot sun}. :-)

One of my favorite parts of the late afternoon was when it came time for Bradshaw to shave {you know, to show a different look}, he didn't have shaving cream nor water, so we improvised by using a zip lock bag and poured some lemonade in it...well you can just imagine, his face smelled clean, but when he came across a tender spot, the lemon caused an instant pain reaction. Poor thing. He stayed strong and maintained a very professional attitude and just proceeded like it was no big thing. I think about it and laugh and hope he does too. Fun times!

We had ourselves many great laughs that afternoon! Thank you Bradshaw.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bringing it back old school!

So here's a sneak peek at another Lisa's headshot session I did last weekend. BUT with this story, THIS Lisa and I go way back! Long story short, as you know I grew up in a sub-burb of Detroit, called Rochester Hills. Well, one day about 8 months ago, I was grocery shopping here in Asheville and I walked by this very familiar looking woman and it was instantly one of those moments where you're like "I know that person, but how?" It was haunting me for the next 4 isles. Then it hit me, "OMG....I have to find her." I spent the next several minutes tracking her down and when I finally did, I immediately clammed up. See, what I didn't tell you was that I was dressed in character for a comedic tour of Asheville that I had just gotten done performing moments before entering the grocery store {with hopes that I didn't run into anyone in this god-awful costume and literally pounds of make-up!}. Anyways, she looked at me, perplexed, not understanding why this crazy woman, in a crazy blond wig, enormous amounts of make up and a very colorful outfit was approaching her. But then, she recognized me. I asked her "Is your name Lisa?" To which she replied, "Yes." I said, "Lisa Norton, from Rochester Hills, MI?" and she said, again "Yes." I replied, "Hi, my name is Karri, and I used to date your brother Jeff in high school." We both laughed, hugged again and that's where our reunion started.

We exchanged numbers and about a month ago she contacted me asking if I would take her professional headshots for work. We met downtown Asheville and had a blast at her photo shoot, while catching up on each others lives since those glorious days back in Rochester! She is still as beautiful as can be.

Lastest Headshot Session With Lisa K.

A very dear friend of mine, Sara, who is one of my biggest supporters of my photography, contacted me a couple of months ago asking if I could take pictures of her friend Lisa, who was coming in town for a visit from Washington DC in June. Apparently, Lisa saw the photographs I did of Sara and Zach {Lisa's god son} and wanted me to update her headshots! 
Well of course, I just had to meet this wonderful friend of Sara's. Turns out we have a TON in common. We three strong minded women had so much fun hanging out and having some well deserved girl time together. Lisa is an Improv. performer and teacher in the DC area and now has some killer headshots for her upcoming portfolio.